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My Story

With all three of my pregnancies, I was very sick with vomiting, losing weight, skin discoloration,  intestinal issues, and under major stress. It wasn't until my third pregnancy that the doctors thought something was wrong but it didn't have a name. The name for my illness today is "Hyperemesis Gravidum" a condition that continuously has the mother vomiting and weak during the entire pregnancy. I was told it was normal for a pregnant woman and I was not listened to when I expressed something was very wrong. I was in danger as well as my baby. By the grace of God, my baby and I turned out healthy.

During my third pregnancy, I became involved with an organization named the San Diego Birthing Project which taught me advocacy, educated me, and was there during my labor and delivery made a huge difference in me having a healthy birth and outcome. I am now a full-time volunteer for the SD International Birthing Project as an Executive Director and birth Doula to give back to my community to assist women who need education, advocacy, and collaboration. 

I have been a doula for over 25 years, my services consist of working closely with mothers and families to advocate, emotional and physical support. Because I understand the birthing process I want to give you the best birthing experience possible. I work in hospitals and birthing centers. My approach is most often hands-on, natural, and holistic. One of the most important attributes of my birth work is building relationships with the mother to ensure trust and safety for the family. 

Welcome to our community of mothers who strive to create a positive birth experience. We believe every mother deserves a lifetime memory of their child's birth. Join us and help each other create a story that will inspire and empower other women.

FB: San Diego International Birthing

Instagram: San_Diego_Birthing 


Let's connect!

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